Uncertainty & Decision Making are Scary Things

1:58 PM at 1:58 PM

I took the job. For now at least.
I didn't resign the lease for the home I have had for the past five years.

So I made two huge decisions and I don't feel any better. I feel like I made two wrong decisions. I feel like I should have made the reverse choices. I feel hopeless in this uncertain and unknown life that I have no control over yet I have to decide.

I think how when I go grocery shopping I always tend to choose the slowest line...no matter what, even if it looks like the fastest check-out line, it ends up being the slowest. I can never help this. It always happens this way. It is incredibly frustrating and everytime I yell at myself, in my head of course, that I always choose the wrong path.

But then I think...just keep on living life, every moment for what it is...stop trying to think ahead and choose which line is going to be quickest, because once you stop thinking ahead things always fall into place for a reason. Maybe by being in that grocery store line for an extra three minutes you will observe something that means alot or you will realize you forgot something important that you now have time to run and get while your shopping basket holds your place in line.

So I hope. I really hope my decisions will bring the next steps in my uncertain life that are meant to be.


Anonymous said...

Sorry but I disagree about you choosing the wrong path, sometime slow betta! I always look for my favorite checker: friendly first, accurate, and yes fast, but it's the last thing! You need to sustain your life first, the changes will come, it just takes time. The main thing that you do (it's a key thing), you enjoy the ride, take the time to live. You're doing great in every way.I'm dyslcxic and Polish (just like you) and I always joke that's why I'm so good racing dirt track motorcycles: ture right to go left, give it gas to slow down, no problem! No reason for you to get down, you'll feel the groove. You'll get there, you always do.