I did it

9:59 PM at 9:59 PM

Today I turned in my thesis.

There is nothing like holding a big ol' stack of 162 pages in your hand and thinking, "Dang, I wrote all that?" 162 pages, 11 stories, all about California in one way or another. I brought maps into my thesis. There is a map of all the counties in California in the table of contents, then next to the title of each story there is the piece of california the county makes up. It's like a puzzle. I liked the visual and thought it added nicely to the whole idea of people feeling confined in their place based on their role in the community.

Last night I finished typing it and took Jaime outside to pee before bed. I was waiting for him to finish and looked up in the sky. At that exact moment a HUGE ball of fire or a shooting star shot through the sky. It was huge, probably the biggest shooting star I have seen in my life. I smiled and thought, damn this better mean good things.

I walked to the front of my creative writing class and handed my thesis to my chair person. She looks at me and goes how does it feel? I tell her it feels like I need a long nap. Then all my classmates clap. It made me feel good. I love community and knowing you've got people supporting you.

Now I am going to Mendocino to take a weekend to rest. Then I need to start preparing for the defense which is in less than 2 weeks.


Anonymous said...

YES! It's kind of like seeing the rainbow from a full moon at night at the indians. The Indians didn't burn, your masters won't either.
