The Curiosity of Human Nature

6:23 PM at 6:23 PM

Last night there was a bad accident in front of my apartment. They blocked the street-both ways for almost 40-45 minutes. I was emailing my friend and listening to music with headphones in, but I still heard the accident- even with the music in my ears. There were screeching brakes and then screaming to slow down. The panic of an emergency is felt throughout the area even if there is a separation through walls, an apartment. There's a cross walk on the street from my apartment complex to the market place (stores, jamba juice, petco, etc.). It seems like a group of people were walking across the cross walk and a car ran into them. They probably were not even thinking they were in danger- walking. Yet it was bad. A girl lay in the middle of the road- motionless. The ER crews arrived and they worked on her for almost thirty minutes before loading her into am ambulance. Another person lay against the sidewalk. He was responsive but also was taken away in the ambulance. A group of students stood across the street, clustered at the bus stop, waiting to go to class or the library. They were witness to it all. The driver's car was jammed into the sidewalk, fishtailed from the road, trying to stop. The cops were interviewing people. Other's came out of their apartments in pajamas wondering what was going on. Clusters formed. The curiosity of human nature is beyond me. I am at fault. Part of me is curious and wants to know what happened, I feel sorrow, I feel guilty for looking, I feel shaken up by the images. Why are people so drawn to see something like this? Is it the uncertainty of death?
Jaime was curious about the whole thing. He couldn't sleep all night. Restless he grunted and growled. He barked at the door. I took him outside thinking he would need to pee, but he stood facing the cross walk and barked at nothing with his hackles up. Dogs know. They have instincts. I am convinced Jaime knew something was going on there. He could smell the washed blood from the road. The soap suds collecting in the gutter. I worry. I worry about the family. I worry about the people that were hit. I worry about the driver who has to live with this.
I searched the news but find nothing. Just as the incident was witness to so many people it disappears. The multiple people and dogs that are now part of the experience, may never know the people or learn what happened, are shaken-stuck-question human nature.