I worry then dream of backpacks

6:04 PM at 6:04 PM

The weekends fly by way too fast. I have alot to do and it is impossible to finish it all in a weekend, so then I stress. Last night I couldn't sleep from 2:30a-4:30a because I had way to much on my mind:

+rewriting a story to turn in before Thursday to be workshopped at Tomales Bay
+Paying my school fees (still crossing my fingers the refund goes through this week so I do have money to pay)
+Finalizing speech for Katie and Paul's wedding for this weekend and the gift
+Having minor freak out episodes of reading something I wrote out-loud at the wedding in front of many people
+Having minor freak out episodes of being able to TA and write a thesis starting next week

So after laying awake worrying for an hour I lost an hour in Juhmpa Lahiri's new short story collection. I admire her so much. I seriously can't think of a writer that can write a better short story. You just finish her stories and smile because her craft is AMAZING.

This weekend I did have fun which probably added to me not finishing alot of things which lead to no sleeping. Palina came home so we watched movies, played video games, went shopping, had tasty drinks, and ate the most delish sushi buffet lunch ever. We decided not to eat anything until lunch so we were starving and truely got our money's worth. I ate 16 peices of sushi on top of tempura. We had to unbutton our pants after that lunch.

Along with worrying I dreamt of things...
I really want this backpack (I've had the same backpack for 6 years- the zipper is broken and it is so worn down my back aches after wearing it) I do need a new one, but of course the one I love is not cheap: