I've been working alot. 30 hours a week plus 12 units at school. A lot. It's good I'm working alot, but then I don't have time to write alot nor do I have time to do much else. School is on the sidelines this qrt. which is ok since I am taking everything pretty much pass or no pass. I was just too burned out after winter quarter to do much more with school. Grad school is hard stuff. Taking it pass/no pass makes it soooo much easier.
Costa Rica planning has been full force. Our tickets were finally canceled. I spent almost 5 hours taking care of the mess: getting a refund and rebooking with continental. I made the trip 2 nights longer by getting new tickets. All this planning just for 12 days wasn't right, so now it is officially going to be two weeks. I wasn't going to let anything stop me from going on this trip. Maybe this was a sign I shouldn't be going, but hey I like a little adventure. At this point I have planned it as much as I can and whatever happens, well then it happens.
Here are the places we are staying:

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