My parents have chicks! They just started hatching- all this warm weather. I wish, wish, wish I had a yard so I can have chickens. I miss having chickens, especially chicks. They are so much fun to just watch and the most low key pets ever. Everyone should have chicks.
9:30 PM at 9:30 PMThe frustration of Electronics
4:25 PM at 4:25 PMMy ipod has decided to just stop working. For no reason. I kept it in pristine condition- never dropped it, always in a case, never wet. I become extremely frustrated when technology just craps out. This is something I depend on. Not only that, but this is the second expensive electronic to break on me for no reason in the past few months. First my camera, now this. My ipod is older. 4 1/2 years old, but still. GGGGGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
Now I need to buy another one when I am supposed to be saving for trips and a house.
My computer better not be next.
I want to live here
9:59 AM at 9:59 AMThe Month of May
7:56 PM at 7:56 PMThe month of may puts me in debt more than Christmas.
Everyone has their birthday, plus it is whole earth...which means pretty art things to purchase. And this year I got a cute shirt with a chicken on it, plus a necklace. The month of May is also a reflective month. Everyone is getting older. I've been thinking though, people really only use age to rate things: things they have or don't: kids, houses, jobs, etc. Things they can get once they turn 21 or what they can do once they turn 16. Age really doesn't matter though. Really it doesn't. Life ends when it does- differently for everybody. It could be depressing to think you are one year older-but why think that way? I think your already living the life you have been born into. Or the story you are the main character of. We all live in our own stories really. Stories that connect, stories that are climactic, stories that end. Why waste time dwelling on how you are older or that you are getting closer to the end of a really good book? Keep on living. Keep on enjoying every moment. Keep on being happy- debt or no debt. :)
Here are some more pictures from May since I have been lagging with the posting:My Friends' Birthday at Sophias
Happy Birthday Lisa!
Tilden Park- Lisa's Birthday!
Climbing Trees- I've never been to Tilden before. It is amazing how this nature is just outside the city. I have also decided I want to live in Bezerkely. I really do like Berkeley. If only I could afford it. I found the most adorable cute 3 bed room house with a yard north of Telegraph but it is $3,000 a month :(Whole Earth Day!
I've been working alot. 30 hours a week plus 12 units at school. A lot. It's good I'm working alot, but then I don't have time to write alot nor do I have time to do much else. School is on the sidelines this qrt. which is ok since I am taking everything pretty much pass or no pass. I was just too burned out after winter quarter to do much more with school. Grad school is hard stuff. Taking it pass/no pass makes it soooo much easier.
Costa Rica planning has been full force. Our tickets were finally canceled. I spent almost 5 hours taking care of the mess: getting a refund and rebooking with continental. I made the trip 2 nights longer by getting new tickets. All this planning just for 12 days wasn't right, so now it is officially going to be two weeks. I wasn't going to let anything stop me from going on this trip. Maybe this was a sign I shouldn't be going, but hey I like a little adventure. At this point I have planned it as much as I can and whatever happens, well then it happens.
Here are the places we are staying:

Awhile ago my Pop's and I went to the Palms playhouse in Winters to listen to David Linley perform. I like doing these types of things. David had an impression on me. Ever since I saw him tell his stories through song and talk I have been inspired. I couldn't stop thinking about the concert, even now, at least half a year later. I was happy to finally use his inspiration in one of my amateur poems. So here is a new poem I wrote, thanks to my Pop for taking me to the concert and in inspiration of David Linley-
In High School they played tonsil tag
Behind the gym walls.
She could taste his smoke.
He thumbed her white barrette in her thin blond hair.
The air whispered against their faces like a blow dryer.
They made wishes with dandelion kisses.
They skipped rocks and spit watermelon seeds
in a dried up pond that smelled like sidewalk chalk
and tomatoes about to crack from the heat.
A plastic ring from a grocery store dispenser -
Twenty-five cents, a guarantee.
The day he left for his route in his mail truck
The plastic ring tangled with a pistol in his pocket
Torn paper flowers, icy silences, smudged windows
Littered their small rented home where she wore red heels.
He wore his fake turquoise alligator skin shoes
That cost eighty-nine cents at the Salvation Army.
Stained dappled bags bellied with mail
Became Evidence in the police office
As they handed her the plastic ring
That she remembered throwing at him.
Persimmon salamanders traipsed in her mind
And their baby kicked her, upside down, right under her ribs.
New Camera Tricks
9:52 AM at 9:52 AMMy camera has a great zoom. I have been playing with it and learning the different settings. Here is one of Jaime James I took
School has not been hard lately, it just feels like it is dragging on. I am ready for summer. Every week I feel like I need something to look forward too, just to pull me through. On Wednesday, my friend from school and I were sitting in our office and were so tempted by the spring weather. We ditched our work and went to the Farmer's Market instead. On Thursday I went with my friends from work to Chevy's. $3 margaritas. Even less for all the laughing we did.
Today I am going to REI- biggest sale of the year, and I just got paid.
Tomorrow there are possibilities of a day trip to Santa Cruz, but sigh gas is so expensive.
Can you tell I'm ready for the summer and not at all motivated by school work. Burnout. Ready for a REAL break from it all.
I do love school though. Don't get me wrong. I am the happiest when I am in school. Learning. Reading. Networking.