Stick with the Grad Classes

2:53 PM at 2:53 PM

Here at UC Davis they let us grad. students take an undergraduate course here and there for credit. To me this always sounded like it would be a time to take a breather from your regular intensive grad seminars. A time to take classes that interested you. A time to take classes in other departments.

I am finding this is a complete misconception.

I am in an undergraduate class currently and it is kicking my butt in every way possible. Not only has the professor targeted me as "the graduate student" in the bunch, but she picks on me in a huge lecture and constantly humiliates me. I was the idiot who decided to take the class outside of my department. I went to a department that I have no experience in and no nothing on the topic. I thought I would take it as an interesting class. It is interesting. But I hate that I feel more pressure in this undergraduate class than my grad. seminars in my field. I hate that I put more effort and work into this undergrad class that was supposed to be for my own personal interest.

I just wish I took it pass/no pass, because I worry, I worry about what my grade is going to look like.


Anonymous said...


I did the same thing! I took an undergraduate philosophy course to "round off" my education. My God! It was really labor intensive. I learned a lot but discovered less of the world than I expected to.
Love your blog!