Neighborhood Mystery

8:49 AM at 8:49 AM

I had such a nice weekend- it flew by of course, but it was fun.
Saturday I just bummed around all day long watching movies and TV with Palina. Then I went with Lisa to have a Spanish night at Katie and Paul's in Sacramento. We had dinner, good beer, and played dice in spanish which is quite the fun game. Then Lisa and I went to my parents and played beer pong with Palina and Tony into the night.
Yesterday I went to Sacramento shopping at REI for Costa Rica stuff which was fun and made me realize this trip is really around the corner!
Weekends are too short though.

Last night odd things happened. I think something is up with our neighbor. Jaime started barking at about 1:20am because someone was knocking next door. Since we share a wall with them you can hear them open or close their doors and when there is knocking. It was weird because the knocking seemed to come from the front and back and almost like it was coming from inside...but otherwise no sound. After about twenty minutes straight of this we went back to sleep. Then woke up again at 2:00 am for more knocking which was getting louder. We thought maybe a roommate was locked out of something. Which is odd, because during the school year there are three girls that live there but they seem to be gone for the summer and are subletting to just one person. Then I thought maybe it is a relationship argument. Lisa and I lay in bed listening to this non-stop knocking. Then all of a sudden you hear a guy's deep voice: Please open the door. No response. I look out the window into the parking lot and there is a cop car. Then I remember how last week I saw two cop cars in our parking lot just sitting there. It was out of place. But why the hell would a cop want to get into your apt at 2am? The neighbor is quiet. She never makes any noise so it is not like a noise complaint. After about 5 minutes of no response the cop just leaves and the knocking stops.

so the mystery continues....
What is wrong with my neighbor?!??!?!?!?!