Worldy Poems

6:54 PM at 6:54 PM

I'm actually starting to like writing poetry. I'm far from good at it, but to me they are mini-stories waiting to be written- new material. Here is another one:

"Intention to Steal Culture"

Magdalena clutched chili peppers, basil,
And twine used to intertwine the two together
To sell on Del Monte Street for seven pesos
To tourists who wanted to buy a piece of Mexico
For their all-American families who buy lemonade and curls
Sold by neighborhood girls once a week
With change fished from behind couch cushions.

Magdalena bought bloodlike vampiro juice
For her children that picked fermented figs
Off the ground to trade in the market
At Chichicapa for razors to carry in their hands
During the eight hour ride in the covered van
Past omnipresent sniffer dogs and guards
Into the beat of the American streets.

And I got my new camera just in time for the Death Cab for a Cutie Concert tomorrow night- I am so excited and can't wait.