Poetry is Challenging

5:09 PM at 5:09 PM

Picnic Day was grand fun this weekend. I have to say Caroline's dad (the beer man) was the high light. His lecture was pretty much hilarious. Afterwards I needed to drink budwiser in honor of his lecture. The weather wasn't rainy, like usual. Palina came home which was fun.

The weekends just fly by. I wish they were 3 days long. I have 5 poems due on Tuesday. I am not much of a poet. I try and am finding that they take longer than stories, even though they are shorter. Stories give you the space to build up to things and make mistakes or buy white paper. Poems. You have to carefully sit there and think about the meaning and significance of each word. Then it has to sound right too. Quite the challenge. Here is my first completed poem:

Forbidden City

When I drive with my eyes closed

I think of October 3rd 1990

When I went to a party

On the Great Wall of China

Lanterns illuminated the sky

Like technicolor fish waving in the wind

Tiger beer dictated my mind

Zhuang girls smiled at me from the edge,

Took cigarettes from the hands of German college boys.

Blue smoke twisted into the sky

Shadow mountains swallowed a dissipating wall.

No pause in between

The music beat into the dirt ground,

whispered into space like echoes quieting in a tunnel.

Glitter necklaces glowed

onto a penny a Zhuang girl stuck into her shoe.

Black ink tattoos dipped down her chest

Onto her breasts

Like ivy leaves consuming a brick wall

Converse shuffled across the dirt floor

Sweat caught on my upper lip

Her cheeks flashed pink

Hast Du etwas Zeit für mich?

No one would believe me

If I told them I drive with my eyes closed.