School has been keeping me busy. On my toes. It really is the most challenging thing I have done in my life. But I enjoy every bit of it. Today I have my first presentation. It is on prostitution in 16th century English Literature. I like to keep it entertaining. Always choosing the fun topics. I am nervous and excited all at the same time. I have gotten sick, so my voice is lingering on becoming lost. I have one of the worst colds I have ever gotten. Theraflu is amazing at night time though.
Tomorrow I am going to teach an undergraduate class. I am nervous about this too. My friend and fellow grad. student is going out of town and needs someone to sub her undergrad creative writing class. She asked me. So tomorrow I will be professor chordas for the night. I hope all of those nightmare stories I have concocted in my head don't materialize into life.
This weekend I am turning 24. I liked being 23. I think I like odd ages better, but I have a feeling 24 will be good. I am going to Mendocino for the weekend and am pretty happy about that. I need to just get out and relax. Plus spending my Birthday in Mendocino is the best imaginable wish i could ask for.
This past weekend I went to Caroline's bridal shower. It was a fun party and I am so excited for her wedding. Katie also told me she is engaged. All my friends are getting married. It makes me think about marriage more. I have my dream beach wedding in my head. A wedding in Mendocino and a barefoot reception on the beach. A big Chordas party. But then I think what would be different in life if I was married? Married life doesn't really bring you anything that you cannot have without it. Except memories of an awesome party of course. I am excited for my friends though and am looking forward to the weddings to come.
I went to a Halloween party this past weekend. That was fun, but I was sick so I couldn't let loose as much as I wanted too. But it was a good time with my fellow grad students.

Tomorrow I am going to teach an undergraduate class. I am nervous about this too. My friend and fellow grad. student is going out of town and needs someone to sub her undergrad creative writing class. She asked me. So tomorrow I will be professor chordas for the night. I hope all of those nightmare stories I have concocted in my head don't materialize into life.
This weekend I am turning 24. I liked being 23. I think I like odd ages better, but I have a feeling 24 will be good. I am going to Mendocino for the weekend and am pretty happy about that. I need to just get out and relax. Plus spending my Birthday in Mendocino is the best imaginable wish i could ask for.
This past weekend I went to Caroline's bridal shower. It was a fun party and I am so excited for her wedding. Katie also told me she is engaged. All my friends are getting married. It makes me think about marriage more. I have my dream beach wedding in my head. A wedding in Mendocino and a barefoot reception on the beach. A big Chordas party. But then I think what would be different in life if I was married? Married life doesn't really bring you anything that you cannot have without it. Except memories of an awesome party of course. I am excited for my friends though and am looking forward to the weddings to come.
I went to a Halloween party this past weekend. That was fun, but I was sick so I couldn't let loose as much as I wanted too. But it was a good time with my fellow grad students.
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