Who else thinks weekends are too short?

8:53 AM at 8:53 AM

Things I did this past weekend:

+ walk the dog, alot
+ Go eat way too much sushi @ sushi buffet with palina
+ Play video games with palina
+ Go Ghost Hunting at Chiles Mansion and Baxter House
+ Drive by our old duplex where we grew up
+ Visit our grandfather's grave
+ Watch Desperate Housewives
+ Go to Costco
+ Go to Berkeley to see Yiyun Li Read from her new novel
+ Eat dinner at my parents house
+ Reviewed a text book for some extra money
+ go get frozen yogurt with palina and convince palina she should sell avon for extra money

Things I didn't do, but should have done this past weekend:

+ Write a new story or edit stories for my thesis
+ Search for jobs for the fall
+ Complete my lesson plans for this week
+ Figure out what to write for my aesthetic statement
+ Clean the apt.

Weekends are way too short....