2 Years of Work Decided in 1 hour

2:34 PM at 2:34 PM

My defense went well. I can't remember most of it. Not due to drinking, but due to nerves. I was so nervous and even though I had a beer it didn't help. My hands were shaking (hidden on my lap under the table the whole time) and my head felt numb. I read my oral statement and then the first 5 pages of a short story. My three committee members asked me questions and I had all the answers. It was funny, because I think the questions I was expecting I answered so quickly and not as thoroughly as planned. But the questions they asked, the harder and unexpected ones, I answered the best. I guess I always work in reverse. They clapped and signed a piece of paper indicating I completed my course work for a Masters Degree. So now I have it. Afterwards I felt so numb, brain dead, and like I was in a foggy dream. Even though it was all done on Monday, today is the first day I feel truly like celebrating and that I am done. The whole week I was exhausted and couldn't even focus on the fact that I just completed everything.

I've never worked harder for anything in my life and it is crazy to think it was all decided in an hour. I had the people I care about most sitting around the board table there with me (parents, siblings, Lisa, college friends, and Katie). Even two month old baby Alexander came. I felt so much support and that's probably why I did so well. I just can't believe it is over. I still teach till first week of June, but I'm done with the thesis/my work part. I am so relieved the stress is gone but sad that I am done with school.

but it sure feels good to hold 162 pages in your hand and really see/feel the weight of the work you have completed.
Now I need to find an agent/publisher.

And I am ready to travel that world....


Anonymous said...

You know your work so well, got on a roll and defended it perfectly. Afterwards I was exhausted as well, I almost felt like I was up there. I've been reading your work and can't put it down. Only reason I stopped last night was because I didn't want to read another story while being too tired and missing out on it. I love your stories, and feel strong conection to a lot of it.


Anonymous said...

nice post. thanks.