Time and the Building List

2:46 PM at 2:46 PM

I think time is everyone's worst enemy- or close to it. Whether we detest another birthday or how short weekends are. Regardless time passes and I try to make the best of it. It is something I feel we can never control and we either are happy with how we use our time or not. So I try to be happy with it while I got it.

The biggest problem is I have a huge imagination and lots of ideas. All of these ideas are doable, yet they keep adding up. I have problems with starting things. So the list keeps building and I am finding while working 2 jobs plus babysitting there is little free time. My never ending building list is:

-writing my costa rica novel
-writing a guide book on breweries of northern california (i think this is my best bet with breaking into the publishing world)
-making a virtual portfolio of my illustrations so I can send them to children's book publishing houses
-apply for grants to travel
-travel to multiple countries
-fill out applications for other volunteer programs (the list continues to build of organizations)
-draw some more

So to handle my time and try to find some self discipline to work on these things....along with my multiple jobs(I've been picking up babysitting, working at city hall, and in the infant room). I bought a super cute imported planner. I almost don't want to use it because it is so cute: