school Accomplishments

5:06 PM at 5:06 PM

I did it. I accomplished a goal I have been at for the past 5 years.

I got my first 4.0 ever at UC Davis. Not only did I do it as a grad. student, but I did it in the hardest classes ever. I worked my butt off this past quarter and I completely deserve every thing I earned. I have never worked so hard in school. I am so happy. It was so worth it.

The crazy undergrad professor who had it in for me gave me the best grade: an A+ (I guess she recognized that I really did try and put all my effort into her class)

Then I got two A's in my graduate seminars

I am so happy. Really. This is a feeling that is unexplainable and better than anything. Everything - the exhaustion, the pushing- all of it was worth it.

We went camping to the Indians last weekend. It was beautiful. I will post photos soon.

New quarter, new classes started today. I wrote my first poem in my poetry class. It was about mushroom hunting. I had to read it out loud and was a little humiliated. I'm no poet. But hopefully I will learn.


Anonymous said...

Congrats Melissa!!

That's an awesome achievement, and I know you worked hard!!
