Community OutReach is So ME

9:53 AM at 9:53 AM

This is Town

Yesterday was amazing. I went to Blue Mountain to teach kids about blogging for their community. I was there ALL day, but it flew by. At one moment I just stopped everything I was doing and thought...
This. This, today. This experience. This moment is worth my whole two years of grad school.

Never in my life have I felt what I did yesterday. The experience. The kids. The distraught community coming together. It just really was amazing and it made me feel like for once in my life I really made a change. A real change. An impact. And not just some silly role model at a summer camp. It felt good.

Yesterday we gave the kids cameras, taught them how to take pictures to tell a story, gave them laptops, and taught them how to blog about their community. These are kids who maybe have been to Sacramento a handful of times in their life. These are kids who feel like Davis is such a long trip away. These are kids who maybe have touched a computer only a few times in their whole life. Their enthusiasm, willingness, and patience for new technology was amazing. It was admirable. Check out their posts on the blog I made for the community (on the side bar click on the link that is my work). Make comments on their stuff. They are so proud and they need the support from the outside. They are trying to make a difference for their community that is depleted in so many ways. If they know people care it will only be a positive impact.

I can't wait to go back. These kids are so cool. These kids. This community. This is my passion. This is what I want to do:
Blogging is simple really

New Computers are Cool

Trying out the Cameras